Thursday, October 31, 2019
The ebonics Dialect Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The ebonics Dialect - Research Paper Example language has a natural growth trajectory is wrong, but that rather, the way language grows is controlled by humans as opposed to language growing on its own. As Wilson (89) says, the way people attach certain meanings to various words and phrases is what gives language meaning. Orwell is likely to have a different view of the usage of the N word from Wallace. First, it is important to understand that the N word has evolved over the last few decades. From the derogatory word Negro, the ebonic word Nigga has been derived, especially among the African American community. Unlike the derogatory nature of the word from which the Nigga is used, the word Nigga is used as a word of respect in among the African American community. Orwell would agree with this kind of language shift and may be appreciate the fact that this kind of development is necessary for the growth of language. However, a person like Wallace would have reservation against the use of this word and see this as a negative change from the requirements of language. Wallace admits to being a language nerd, the kind who looks to make sure that every rule has been observed. In this regard, he would most likely object to the N word, either in the form of Nigga, or Negro. This is because the word Nigga could be seen by a grammar expert as an informal word while Negro is seen as offensive and derogatory (Ernest 145). As a result, for a person like Wallace, he would probably have a problem with the use of this world. Orwell on the other hand seems to have a different view of the rules of language. He argues that the way people modify language leads to the way language plays out in politics, and then the political affects the way people modify language. In this regard, he is most likely to appreciate the fact that language grows in such ways that maintain archaic rules of grammar may neither be necessary nor feasible. As an English teacher, Curzan talks about teaching grammar and grammar rules. She starts her
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay Example for Free
Psychological Disorder Analysis Essay The world of abnormal psychology is filled with many different types of disorders, symptoms, and treatment options. Today, I will be working with Roger, a middle-aged accountant living in San Francisco, California who experienced a car wreck a few months ago. He has been experiencing shakiness, breathlessness, heat flashes, and nightmares. He has been trying to cope with the symptoms that he is experiencing through alcohol consumption and going jogging. Using the skills I have learned about abnormal psychology, I will be able to diagnose Roger and provide an explanation as to why he is suffering from the type of disorder that he is experiencing, as well as determine the most effective treatment options available. Based on the information provided to me, I am diagnosing Roger with post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that is experienced by people who have been subjected to a traumatic, life-changing event. Although I am quite certain that this is the disorder that Roger is suffering from, I scheduled an appointment with him to get more details about the symptoms that he is experiencing. Me: Good morning, Roger, I wanted to call you in today to talk about the things that you are experiencing on a day-to-day basis so that I will learn more about yourself and the things that you are experiencing so that we can work together to come up with solutions that benefit you overcoming your experience. Roger: That sounds like a good plan, what would you like to know? Me: Well can you please begin with telling me what happened 2 months ago, so that I may hear it in your own words? Roger: Sure, about two months ago I was in a car accident where the other driver hit me head on. I wasn’t hurt, except for a few minor bruises, but my car was completely totaled. Since then, I try to avoid the area where I got into my accident. Me: Thank you for that information, Roger. Car accidents can be quite traumatizing and I’m sorry that you had to experience that misfortune. Roger: It’s okay, I’m just glad I got out of it alive. But the accident seems to stick with me no matter what I do, though. Me: Do you mind elaborating on that for me please, Roger? Roger: Well, ever since the accident I notice that whenever I am around the streets or in an automobile of any kind, I begin to feel shaky and out of breath. Then everything begins to get really hot and sometimes it feels like I am having a heart attack, so I begin to panic. Me: That’s very interesting Roger, have you been to your primary care doctor to see if there is a physical issue that is causing those symptoms? Roger: Yes, ma’am. My doctor told me that I am healthy as a horse and recommended me to you. So here I am. *laughs nervously* Me: I am glad that you are here to give me the opportunity to help you, Roger. Are there any other symptoms that you have been experiencing since your accident? Roger: Um, I’ve been obsessed with safer vehicles and I’ve spent a lot of time looking for an extremely safe car and have taken a defensive driving class. Some days I am so afraid to drive that I have to call my friends to come get me, and I can’t seem to find a car that meets my safety standards. Me: I can completely understand why you feel that way, Roger. Safety should always be the number one priority when out on the road. So you feel this anxiety only affects you when you are out on the roads? Roger: No, not at all. I’ve been having these horrible nightmares. Sometimes they are so bad that I can’t even make it to work, and my boss has started telling me that my performance is slipping, too. I’ve been drinking a lot since my accident because I can’t seem to get the thought of it out of my mind and it is the only thing that seems to help when I feel shaky. I’ve started to drink just to get the memory of the accident out of my mind. At home, I’m so worried about my family’s well-being that I try to keep everything clean and sterile. I don’t want myself or anyone in my family getting sick or going through what I went through. Roger: I know that this isn’t me and I don’t want to be please like this anymore, so can you please help me get past this? Because I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m having trouble just making it through each day. When I have my†¦panic attacks?I usually head straight for the bar. Roger: After I have my nightmares, I usually can’t go back to sleep I go jogging. Being able to run helps me clear my mind of everything and just focus on the task at hand. Unfortunately, I’m not in very good shape so I can’t run for very long before I have to return home. Me: Thank you so much for explaining all of that to me in such detail, Roger, I could see that it was difficult for you. I want to let you know that it is excellent that you are going out jogging whenever you have a nightmare, and I want you to continue you doing that whenever possible in place of drinking. Me: Together you and I will find a way to get you through this, all I askin g is for you to be willing to work with me. Can you do that, Roger? Roger: Yes, definitely. I’m ready to move on with my life. After the interview with Roger, I was able to gain more insight about his situation and am able to confirm that he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. As mentioned before, Post-traumatic stress disorder is an anxiety disorder that is experienced by people who have been subjected to a traumatic, life-changing event such as being raped, in a car accident, combat, or witnessing someone else’s traumatic experience, such as a loved one or a friend, and even witnessing a violent death can cause acute and posttraumatic stress disorders. Individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder becoming sensitized to the event that caused the disorder, causing them to experience feelings of anxiety when exposed to certain things related to the traumatic event. One of the key symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder is involuntary flashbacks of the traumatic event which can lead to the development of more severe symptoms. Those symptoms include: * Nightmares- the event relives itself in the subconscious, usually leading to insomnia * Depression – not enjoying the things you once enjoyed, disassociation * Anxiety, panic attacks – negative reactions to situations or sights/events that trigger a reconnection to the trauma. * Avoidance – For a traumatic event such as a car accident, avoiding the area where the accident occurred. * Substance Abuse: The abuse of drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism to desensitize emotional response to flashback or other symptoms. The Cognitive model of abnormality realizes that everyone creates their own view of the world that comprises their reality (Comer, 2011). Unhealthy thoughts stemming from a traumatic event create the abnormal behavior individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder experience. Therefore, post-traumatic stress disorder is a behavior that is determined by how individuals perceive the life-changing traumatic event that they experience. Looking into the history of post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD was first discovered during the Civil War, with the development of battle PTSD, also known as ‘soldier’s heart,’ ‘shell shock,’ and ‘battle fatigue,’ becoming known officially as post-traumatic stress disorder after the Vietnam War. A study conducted by Brian P. Marx in 2010 discovered that soldiers developed PTSD regardless of how recently or how long they were deployed. The study also showed that the longer PTSD is left untreated, the worse it will get, showing that untreated cases will become more anxious, have a shorter attention span, and in general have much poorer mental health. The study also found that â€Å"the stress these soldiers were experiencing had a significant impact on their physical health such as immune functioning and cardiovascular disease (â€Å"The effect of PTSD and combat level on Vietnam veterans perceptions of child behavior and marital adjustment,†2006, para. ). Today, about 50% of Americans experience a trauma during their life time and only 8% of those individuals suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. So what factors cause certain people to develop post- traumatic stress disorder, while other individuals remained unaffected? One of the most important factors to consider when determining what type of individual is more likely to suffer from PTSD is the nature of trauma the individual faced and whether the individual had preexisting anxiety issues before their traumatic event. Studies have shown that individuals who were exposed to severe, prolonged trauma or trauma affecting one’s family were more likely to devel op PTSD than individuals who did not. Using the Cognitive model of abnormality as a guide, there are several options for treating posttraumatic stress disorder. The most effective treatment is cognitive therapy, in which â€Å"therapists help clients recognize the negative thoughts, biased interpretations, and errors in logic that dominate their thinking†(Comer, 2011). Cognitive therapy is most effective for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder because it teaches the individual positive ways confront the negative thoughts and emotions surrounding their experience with their traumatic event by showing them how to understand the trauma that they went through and the feelings that they are experiencing afterwards. Helping the individual suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder understand why they are feeling the way they do about their traumatic experience is also important, as well as identify the thoughts and actions that make symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder worse. There are also further treatment options for individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and most anxiety disorders, including: * Relaxation: an individual is taught how to relax certain muscles by themselves instead of relaxing as a whole. Relaxation treatments have been the most successful in the treatment of anxiety symptoms such as high blood pressure and headaches as well as insomnia and panic attacks. * Biofeedback: an individual is connection to a machine that reads involuntary body movements enabling the individual to learn how to control those movements. This treatment has been most helpful in those recovering from post-traumatic stress disorders. * Meditation: is achieved my turning one’s concentration inward and blocking everything surrounding out allowing the individual to obtain a sort of peace from blocking out stressors. Meditation has been successful in helping symptoms of anxiety such as high blood pressure, pain, and in some cases, viral infecti ons (due to having a weaker immune system as a side effect of constant stress and anxiety). * Hypnosis: individuals a guided by a hypnotist, who lulls the individual into a sleep like trance, similar to meditation. In this trance the subconscious takes over and individuals can sometimes be directed to act in unusual ways, experience unusual sensations, remember seemingly forgotten events, or forget remembered events. This method is helpful with post-traumatic stress disorder victims who are suffering from amnesia and are unable to recall the traumatic event in order to come to terms with what happened and learn how to recover from it. In conclusion, post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder that is caused by a traumatic, life changing event such as being raped, in a car accident, combat, or witnessing someone else’s traumatic experience, such as a loved one or a friend, and even witnes sing a violent death. The most effective treatment option for post-traumatic stress disorder as per the Cognitive model of abnormality is cognitive therapy in which â€Å"â€Å"therapists help clients recognize the negative thoughts, biased interpretations, and errors in logic that dominate their thinking†(Comer, 2011). I hope that with my thorough evaluation of the origin, causes, symptoms, and treatments of post-traumatic stress disorder, I am able to help Roger overcome the symptoms that he is experiencing from his post-traumatic stress disorder and assist him with his therapy so that he can return back to a normal life. References Comer, R. J. (2011). Fundamentals of abnormal psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY: Worth. Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive. (2007). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder McGraw-Hill Higher Education Web Site, retrieved on February 2, 2013, from The effect of PTSD and combat level on Vietnam veterans perceptions of child behavior and marital adjustment. (2006, Febraury). Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(1), 4-12.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Wireless Sensor System for Rugby Impact Assessment
Wireless Sensor System for Rugby Impact Assessment There is plenty of advantages in playing sports, whether it is for pure pleasure or professionally, however this can carry irreversible consequences. Any injury is bad news and later on life the damage tends to come back ten times worse than when the injury first occurred. The worst of injuries are the ones that can cause brain damage, like concussions, which are really common in contact sports such as rugby. Do practitioners calculate the risk every time they take part in the respective contact sport, or do they just think about the present moment and carry on? Do practitioners know the consequences of brain damage such as dementia and memory loss, or do they think that dislocating a knew or a shoulder are the worst injuries that can happen as it would prevent them from playing, can injuries be prevented or reduced or will the game always be dangerous, these are a couple of question that I have and hope accomplish in the end of this project. A survey elaborated by me, allowed me to acquire different answers from 100 practitioners of different contact sports and it proved that most people dont know fully the risks of playing contact sports. Throughout the years, the rate and severity of injuries in sports have drastically increased. Athletes tend to become bigger, faster and stronger. In contact sports such as rugby, boxing, American football, etc., athletes and enthusiasts risk their health and well-being exposing their bodies to the stress and injuries present in sports. This thesis is more focused on head injuries, concussions to be specific. Concussions or any brain damage tend to affect the athletes mostly later on in life, causing dementia, permanent headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, the list goes on. Anyone that has ever played a sport and had an injury, is now more aware than before of the risks of playing whatever sport the person was playing when the injury occurred. Not that being aware is going to prevent injuries, but at least the practitioner wont be surprised when something unexpected happens or at least the practitioner will be in a position where he can decide if is really worth the risk. 1.1. Motivation As a sports enthusiast I have always been interested in sport, and I have always practiced sports. Summer of 2012 I started playing American football, I loved the rush of the game and the fact that I was so fast that they couldnt catch me. As months went by, the whole team was getting ready for the beginning of the season, everyone was becoming bigger, faster, and stronger, and therefore the impacts during collisions and tackles were becoming more taxable on the body. It was part of the routine to do an exercise we used to call Bull fight, where we knock heads against each other so we can get used to the impact. The first time I did this I felt dizzy, but as a teenager I didnt think much about it. First game of the season, I was getting ready to score my first ever touchdown, I got tackled. I was unconscious on the floor for two minutes, they said. I was taken to the local doctor for a quick check up to make sure everything was ok with me. The doctor said that I most definitely have had concussion. After I have done some research into the topic, I kind of realised the risk I was exposing myself too, every time I carried an American football. When we talk about American football, every contact sport serves as example and in this dissertation we will focus more on rugby. My main motivation to do this project is the fact that I believe that a major part of the population that practices sports, specifically contact sports, dont know the consequences on the long run of doing so. I hope that with the realisation of this project I can create an impact towards sports enthusiasts like myself, not in a way to make them give up on the sport, but at least they will be aware of their actions, and maybe adopt the use of safer gear when playing the sport, as most players dont use the equipment available like the rugby helmet. And my question are: Do athletes or enthusiasts really know what type of circumstances and risks they are exposing themselves to? And can this injuries be prevented or can the risk exposure be reduced? 1.2.Aims and objectives The dissertation will focus on the design and testing of a neck portable system capable and efficient at monitoring the linear and angular head acceleration, which has been described as a very efficient way of assessing the force impact that players go through during practice or a serious game, as shall be demonstrated during this thesis. The main aims of this project is to conduct background research on rugby injuries statistics, accelerometers and portable sensors, to find the best design for this project, implement and test it using an Arduino chip, to calibrate the system against involuntary accelerations, to investigate the portability, usability and applicability in rugby and other contact sports, and to demonstrate the collected results and visualisation. In order to conclude this project successfully a general insight will be acquired through background research. Therefore the section 2.1 will represent an in depth research about injuries in rugby, a comparison between youngsters, seniors and professional players, section 2.2 will explain the concepts related to accelerometers, different types of accelerometers, price ranges, advantages and disadvantages of each, section 3 will focus on the importance of measuring the linear and angular head acceleration, section 4 will explain the two different types of interface, SPI and I2C, and detail the I2C interface as is the interface that is going to be used during this project, section 5 will demonstrate the design and implementation of the project by displaying pictures of the first prototype, and final project, the reason why such design was chosen and all the steps followed, finally the section 6 will demonstrate all the testing done in different scenarios, and respective result s of the prototype and the final project, all represented using, graphs and tables . Since the project is also an investigation on how efficient the project is going to be during a game or practice, some ideas and small tests will be carried out in the end. An equipment of this category, will be really useful in any contact sport, as it will provide important information to monitor the force exerted towards a head, and carry on further studies in the area of concussions and other brain damages that frequently occur in rugby players, or other athletes performing contact sports. It can also increase the attention towards adopting safer protective gear. 2.1 Rugby injuries Head injuries are really frequent in contact sports such as rugby, occurring more in situations like the scrum, head impacts on the floor, etc. The most common head injury is called concussion, however thats the most minor kind of head injury (Lava). A concussion occurs at 90 to 100 g-force, equivalent to a head impact of 20mph (Gorgens, 1). 65% of head injuries occurred in rugby are laceration, 17% concussions and 9% are fractures to the skull (Kaplan et al. 91). Due to the high chance of head injury, the RFU (Rugby Football Union) has found ways to prevent these unfortunate situations. Some of them being laws, regulations, guideline based on research evidence, concussion awareness, first aider and health care and professional player testing courses. Rugby Union is on a pinnacle of success and popularity (Edgar, 1995), this attracts the media, the media attracts the population, therefore the interest for the sport, practitioners, researches and experiments increase exponentially as well, placing more emphasis on finding ways to protect our athletes. A study carried out by UU at schools in Northern Ireland discovered a high rate of severe injury in rugby to rugby players in schools (Meredith, 2016). A total of 825 students from 28 different school teams participated in the study during 2014/2015, which resulted in 426 injuries, 204 of them resulting in an incapability of practicing the sport for an average of four weeks. One in four rugby players will suffer an injury, 55% of the injuries occur during a tackle, 78% of concussions specifically occur during a tackle, 13% are knee injuries, 7% hand injuries, 10% concussions, 11% ankle injuries, 10% shoulder ligament injuries and 5% shoulder dislocation. After calculating it reveals that it occurs three concussions per team. Young athletes are more vulnerable to concussion and may be affected by more complicated recovery times and higher risk of adverse outcomes. (Meredith, 2016). On 29 Of January of 2011 a drastically accident happened to a young player, 14 years old named Ben Robin son while playing rugby union for his school team. During the game he had three impacts to the head, on each impact he was taken off the field and put back, on the fourth impact he collapsed and died later on in the hospital (Bull, 2013). As cases like the death of Ben Robinson happen once in a while it will automatically increase the urgent increase for awareness, researches and solutions to this problem. Enforcing the laws of the game is definitely one, thats things like looking at the height of the tackle, ensuring that its interpreted properly, and teaching good tackling technique, (Bleakley, 2015). Some rules that could be applied would be in case of a brain injury like concussion the player shouldnt play for at least 30 days, like applied in boxing, the player shouldnt have to play under effect of pharmaceuticals to dont feel the damage caused by the injury suffered, among other rules. Rugby is the sport with highest risk of injury. It was stated that Paradoxically at the international level, where the game is fastest and most spectacular, evidence shows that fitness and experience considerably reduce the injury rate. (Addley and Farren, 1988), however a research carried out in English premiership academy and schools rugby union, concluded that the rate of injuries in academy and school youth rugby union and fairly lower than the rate of risks recorded for senior elite rugby union (Palmer-Green, Trewartha and Stokes, 2009). Personally I dont agree with the first statement, as the higher the level of the game, the higher the physical characteristics of the players and the faster the pace of the game, which increases the strength of collision involved. As the years go by, the rugby rules have been changing trying to create a safer way to play the game, however is still not good enough, It still a really high chance of injury by playing the sport. Is understandable if someone adult knows the risk of playing the game, accepts it and takes responsibility upon any consequences, but maybe anyone under 18 that is not capable of making the best decisions shouldnt play such an aggressive game or at least with not as much contact as they do. 2.2 Accelerometers An accelerometer senses positive and negative accelerations of a body. It works by sensing the acceleration of gravity and allows us as well based on the results produced, to calculate the direction of the acceleration. It uses the technology MEMS, that stands for Microelectromechanical systems, however thats the term used in the United States of America, In United Kingdom the term used is MST, that stands for microsystems technology (Maluf and Williams, 2004). MEMS are similar to an integrated circuit but they are mechanical. The technique used to make MEMS are the same as the technique used to make electronics, microfabrication, but instead its made small mechanical structures that can interface with electronics (Afrotechmods, 2014). Acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of a body changes with time (Nisticà ², 2013). Accelerometers can be used for different applications. They can be used for automotive applications such as airbags control, motion sensing, GPS, navigation. They can be used in seismometers, camera stabilization, to play games, smartphones, etc. 2.2.1 Sensing functions An accelerometer has six sensing functions: Movement covers motion control and general movement detection Fall identifies that a large impact is highly likely to happen. Can be used for motion control Tilt can be applied to mobile phones to detect whether is facing up or down, text scrolling, lcd projection, user interfacing, image rotating, camera stability, etc. Positioning requires more complex algorithms than the others. It can be used in a GPS and personal navigation Shock Can be used in situations of shipping and handling, car event data recorders and hard disk drive protection Vibration Mostly used in cases where high sensitivity and high frequency accelerometers are needed. Such as seismic activity monitors and acoustics For every situation there will be the best choice of accelerometer, as every range of acceleration has different applications. For example fault detection and tilt control is in the range of 1G to 2G, shock detection lands on the 2G to 8G range, vibration 8G to 10G range, an odometer 20G to 30G range, a car crash can range from 20G to 250G and a bullet can go up to 5000G (G. Ogden, 1895). When measuring free fall the values can be positive or negative, and for best results it requires a height of at least one meter. There is three types of freefall, linear, rotational and projectile. A linear freefall, is when there is a drop from certain height straight to the, a rotational freefall is the same as the linear freefall, however a spin or rotation is added to the travel of the body, the projectile freefall is when the body is thrown away, and it includes horizontal movement as well as a vertical movement and it will also have a small rotation (FarnellElectronics, 2011).When measuring the tilt, there is some things to take in consideration. The accelerometer needs to be mounted in a way so the axis of sensitivity is parallel to the surface used. The formula used to calculate the output is the follow: Vout = sensitivity of the accelerometer multiplied by 1G times the tilt of the angle plus the offset voltage of the accelerometer. The output can vary from -1G to 1G, and de tects angles from -90 to 90 degrees (FarnellElectronics, 2011). There is some considerations needed to be taken when measuring the position. First is the displacement, how far the accelerometer will be moving to detect the change in movement. The range of the device is really important. If its going to be tested on a person, is going to be produced a higher G force and requires an accelerometer that supports a higher G force range, If its going to be a very small change such as a mouse it requires an accelerometer with a really high sensitivity (CH Robotics, 2017). When measuring shock the biggest thing to consider is the G-range. The accelerometers uses the deceleration of the object to determine the shock, like tapping or a car crash. To measure the vibration, the closer the accelerometer is from the vibration source, the higher the G value (Morrow, 1974). For measure vibration the most important thig is the frequency of the vibration, the second thing to consider is the G range, similar to previous situations, for every application there will be a different type of accelerometer, and where the accelerometer is mounted will affect the readings as well. Below is represented on how the g force is spread through the axis: 2.2.2 Main types Between a DC- response accelerometer and an AC-response accelerometers, DC is the most recommended one as AC-response accelerometers cant measure static accelerations, slow vibrations or sustained accelerations due to being AC coupled. The main types of accelerometers are the ones listed below. Capacitive DC coupled. Produces an output based on capacitance changes. They are smaller and cheaper than the average accelerometer (Mineta et al. 431-435). They are mostly found in phones, gaming platforms (Wii, Xbox, etc) Piezo resistive DC coupled. Produces an output based on the resistance changes, under strain gauges that are part of the accelerometers seismic mass. Commonly used in shock events due to its high frequency range, amplitude and wide bandwidth (Partridge et al. 58-62). They are very accurate, as they can measure as low as 0 Hz, but they are not a good choice to test low frequency vibrations due to lack of sensitivity (Voldamn 2007). Piezoelectric AC coupled. Produces an output based on an electric charge proportional to the force suffered under acceleration. Mostly used for test and measurement roles, due to its high frequency, sensitivity and simplicity (Tian et al. 2). However because they are not DC coupled, is a bad choice in situations with high displacement or velocity as it cant detect low vibrations, or high acceleration levels. Below is listed in a resumed way the characteristics of each accelerometer. Application Piezoelectric Capacitive Piezo resistive Static acceleration G force Seismic Low frequency vibration General vibration High frequency vibration General shock High impact shock Extreme shock References Addley, K and J Farren. Irish Rugby Injury Survey: Dungannon Football Club (1986-87).. British Journal of Sports Medicine 22.1 (1988): 22-24. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. Afrotechmods,. How An Accelerometer Works!. 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2017. Bleakley, C. (2015). Research on youth rugby injuries in Northern Ireland. theBMJ, p.3. Bull, A. (2013). Death of a schoolboy: why concussion is rugby unions dirty secret. Theguardian, [online] pp.1-3. Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2017]. Edgar, M. (1995). Tackling rugby injuries. The Lancet, 345(8963), pp.1452-1453. FarnellElectronics, (2011). Low-g Accelerometers Part 1 Basic Knowledge of Accelerometers. [image] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2017]. Gorgens, Kim, University of Denver. Most Concussions Deliver 95 Gs, Neuropsychologist Says. ScienceDaily 2016: 1. Web. 11 Nov. 2016. G. Ogden, H. (1895). GRAVITY MEASUREMENTS. Science, [online] 1(21), pp.571-573. Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2017]. Kaplan, Kevin et al. Rugby Inuries. Bulletin of the NYU Hospital 66.2 (2008): 91. Web. 11 Nov. 2016. Lava, Neil. Concussion: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments. WebMD Medical Reference. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Nov. 2016. Maluf, Nadim and Kirt Williams. An Introduction To Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering. 1st ed. Boston, Mass. [u.a.]: Artech House, 2004. Print. Meredith, R. (2016). Schoolboy rugby: UU study finds high rate of severe injury. BBC News, [online] p.1. Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2017]. Mineta, T et al. Three-Axis Capacitive Accelerometer With Uniform Axial Sensitivities. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 6.4 (1996): 431-435. Web. Morrow, C. (1974). Literature Review : Application of Bk eQuipment To Mechanical Vibration and Shock Measurements J. T. Brock. The Shock and Vibration Digest, 6(12), pp.86-87. Nisticà ², A. (2013). Working principle of a capacitive accelerometer. Palmer-Green, Dr Debbie, Dr Grant Trewartha, and Dr Keith Stokes. Report On Injury Risk In English Youth Rugby Union. Sport, Health Exercise Science, University of Bath, 2009. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. Tian, Bian et al. Design Of A Piezoelectric Accelerometer With High Sensitivity And Low Transverse Effect. Sensors 16.10 (2016): 2. Web. Using Accelerometers to Estimate Position and Velocity | CH Robotics. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Feb. 2017]. Voldamn, Joel. A Capacitive Accelerometer. 2007. Lecture.
Friday, October 25, 2019
To Kill A Mocking Bird :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
Proposals: To examine the character of Atticus Finch as a hero in Harper Lees’ â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird. â€Å"To kill a Mockingbird†, an acclaimed novel, by Harper Lee is recognised throughout the world. Having read her novel, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1960 soon after its publication, I was compelled to consider the novel in greater depth but was particularly intrigued to examine the character of Atticus Finch as a hero. Maycomb, a fictional town in the Southern States of America plays host to the novel during the period of 1933-1935. â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†follows a lawyer and his family prior to and during a legal case to defend a black male, Tom Robinson, charged of raping a white female, Mayella Ewell. This occurs in a very white orientated town. Atticus Finch, Attorney and father of two children only plays a brief part in the opening chapter but as this epic novel progresses so does his importance. It becomes apparent that Atticus Finch, arguably the novel’s main character, is extremely well respected in Maycomb by the majority of its residents. If someone expresses a dislike towards him he will still try to do his â€Å"best to love everybody†. Atticus is a man of extreme integrity and some say that it is through his mouth that Harper Lee expresses her own morality, an opinion that I share. He represents a true gentleman; his conduct is always courteous despite any provocation whether privately or publicly. This is enhanced by the very carefully selected word choice. Atticus is able to use language stylishly when appropriate but he can also communicate very simplistically such as when in a moment of crisis he can talk straightforwardly, for example to Jem and Scout, to enhance understanding. Atticus is a devoted family man; he manages to care for his children without the help of their mother, who died. Harper Lee gives Atticus a very â€Å"modern style†re garding parenting (in comparison to other families in the 1930’s i.e. principally he was a single parent). This could perhaps be a reflection on Atticus’s opinion that everyone has the right to be an individual and because of this we should not be judged. He is one person in a select few who feel that coloured people should be able to have the same standard of living as their white counterparts. Atticus is open to all opinions and will accept each individual for their own beliefs regardless of whether or not these differ from his own.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Helping Others
Helping others can be very rewarding and beneficial to both parties. After going to the Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting and Our Community Place (OCP), I have realized the benefits of helping others and I have gained new perspectives on others. While I was there I met some very interesting people that might not have the best lives but they know how to make the best of what they have. I felt like I gained some knowledge and insight on different things and it made me feel good to help them out.In my lifetime I feel as though I have overcome many obsticles and accomplished many goals and as I looked around at others that were less fortunate than me I became even more thankful and more willing to help others. It made me feel good to see others happier and to make their day and things a little better. On Sunday night my roommate and I went to the Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in a building downtown Harrisonburg called the Club with my friend Joseph. The place did not look like a club where you party at but it looked like just a normal building with a lot of cars there.If you drove by you would not know that it was an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting location. When I first went in I did not expect to see that there were so many normal people in there. This place seems like a place that you have to go to when you are in trouble and have nothing else to do. There was a range of people from my age to elderly people. The people that looked like they had the most trouble were the older people and the younger ones were in there because they might have been more curious of what goes on in the meetings. The open meetings are a place where anyone can go to get help or support others.I went with my friend for support and to gain knowledge about the truth behind alcoholism and to see what it’s like in real life versus the movies and television. It was very different from what I expected. I wasn’t expecting such real problems and people in the situations. I feel like in rea l life people don’t go through all these bad things due to that I see it happen so much in everyday life that everyone lives as actors and goes home to a normal life and not this sad, difficult problem. The largest part of the meeting was support orientated and sharing stories, struggles and success.I got to hear how they got there and what they are doing to stay strong. The stories that were told were confidential and very heart breaking. It made alcohol seem like such a controlling substance that can become deadly if used too much or in large amounts at one time. Alcohol is never seen as being bad or controlling until people start binge drinking and it gets out of hand and we need help. I feel that if college kids would listen to some of the situations and the real struggles of others then they would feel less obligated to get drunk all the time.Some of these people have hit rock bottom and you could see who they really were and the struggles they went through. There were m any different stories on how they got to where they were and what pushed them to go the right way. Some were their kids and families or someone who took the time to help them and show them things could get better. There were a few parents there that wanted more information about how the kids in this generation were abusing alcohol so they knew what to look for in their own children. This type of meeting for the community is very helpful due to that everything is confidential and you can get help for free.I feel like if I could change something about the meeting is making it so that you don’t have to say your name in the beginning because it makes people seem insecure about themselves. Our community Center us a place for those to go who could need help in a variety of ways. Some see it as a church or a counseling center. It is a place to go for enjoyment and help. They provide food and exercising as well as plays, activities or talent shows. The shelter is a place for homeless people in the city and a place for them to pray and seek religious insight.The leader of the OCP is Ron Copland and is a great supporter and motivator for this shelter. He wants everyone to feel closer and equal. He has had many great ideas to make this place a successful shelter and made him a respectable leader and achiever. He is extremely dedicated and spends most of his time and money into this volunteer only facility. He is a very inspirational man and has done so much in his lifetime to help others that time I was there I wanted to help and show my gratitude and respect for all he has done. He is a wonderful man and he has succeeded in life.The OCP is a group that uses caring experiences and working together to help others. Recovering alcoholics and current alcoholics come here to work together and keep busy while trying to get over their problem. They use agriculture and other jobs to show them how to move on and work together. They use a program called OCM which is our com munity works. They learn to work with each other versus doing it all alone. The center does many activities and programs to get everyone involved and help them run these programs and volunteers like my self help keep this wonderful place in the right direction.When I went to the center there was a talent show. Everyone there had a job to do for the show to be put on. They were people from little kids to older adults and they all worked together like they were best friends who know each other forever. OCP is an effective program that is steadily spreading to more individuals. It brings not only people without homes together but those people of the community. It makes us thankful for what we have and realize they are real people. We don’t see homeless people we see every day plain-Jane citizens.We see our community in new light. Each Program had its own approach to the problem at hand. The alcoholics anonymous meeting was depressing and awkward. People were sad and uncomfortabl e and no one sounded like they wanted to be there. The OCP was much more upbeat and happy. I feel that it is a much better way to get over alcoholism. It gives you activities to keep your mind off drinking and keeps you happy. I would rather forget about a drink than talk about it in an awkward group meeting. I think MR.Copland was onto something when he opened the OCP. But just like any idea it may not work for everyone. Both of these situations have shown me another side of the tracks. Both community programs help others and have me a different perspective on alcoholics and their situations. Hearing their stories was very sad and I could not imagine what they go through. Mr. Copland and his hard work made me inspired to work to help others. He has helped so many people and it felt good to show people that they are equal and can get their problems taken care of.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Funny Collection of Napoleon Dynamite Quotes
Funny Collection of Napoleon Dynamite Quotes There is almost an entire generation that will testify that Napoleon Dynamite is one of the best comedy movies ever. Are you one of those people? It is an incredibly quotable movie was an instant cult-classic. Kip Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Dynamite: Hey can I use your guyss phone for a sec?Secretary No. 1: Is there anything wrong?Napoleon Dynamite: I dont feel very good.(takes telephone and dials)Kip: (making nachos on the other line) Hi.Napoleon Dynamite: Is grandma there?Kip: No, shes getting her hair done.Napoleon Dynamite: Ugh!!Kip: What do you need?Napoleon Dynamite: Can you just go get her for me?Kip: Im really busy right now.Napoleon Dynamite: Just tell her to come get me.Kip: Why?Napoleon Dynamite: Cause I dont feel good!Kip: Well, have you talked to the school nurse?Napoleon Dynamite: No, she doesnt know anything. Will you just come get me?Kip: No.Napoleon Dynamite: Well, will you do me a favor then? Can you bring me my chapstick?Kip: No, Napoleon.Napoleon Dynamite: But my lips hurt real bad!Kip: Just borrow some from the school nurse. I know she has like five sticks in her drawer.Napoleon Dynamite: Im not gonna use hers, you sicko!Kip See ya.Napoleon Dynamite: Ugh! Idiot! Don Napoleon Dynamite Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again?Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines! Grandma Napoleon Dynamite Grandma: How was school?Napoleon Dynamite: The worst day of my life, what do you think? Deb Napoleon Dynamite Deb: What are you drawing?Napoleon Dynamite: A liger.Deb: Whats a liger?Napoleon Dynamite: Its pretty much my favorite animal. Its like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic. Rex Rex: At Rex Kwan Do, we use the buddy system. No more flying solo. You need somebody watching your back at all times. Second off, youre gonna learn to discipline your image. You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here?(pointing to Napoleon) Pedro Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Dynamite: What kind of bike do you have?Pedro: Its a sledgehammer.Napoleon Dynamite: Dang! You got shocks, pegs... lucky! You ever take it off any sweet jumps? Pedro Napoleon Dynamite Pedro: If I win, you can be my secretary or something.Napoleon Dynamite: Sweet! Deb Kip Deb: Im trying to earn money for college.Kip: (from the background) Your mom goes to college. Uncle Rico Uncle Rico: How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains? Yeah. Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we wouldve been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.
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