Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Famous Last Words Kings, Queens, & Members of Royalty
Famous Last Words Kings, Queens, & Members of Royalty Whether realized at the time they are said or only in hindsight, nearly everyone will express a word, phrase or sentence that proves the last thing he or she ever says while alive. Sometimes profound, sometimes every day, here you will find a select collection of the last words spoken by famous kings, queens, rulers and other crowned heads throughout history. Famous Last Words Organized Alphabetically Alexander III, King of Macedon(356-323 B.C.)Kratistos! Latin for mightiest, strongest, or best, this was Alexander the Greats deathbed response when asked whom he would name as his successor, i.e., Whoever is the mightiest! Charlemagne, Emperor, Holy Roman Empire(742-814)Lord, into Thy Hands I commend my spirit. Charles XII, King of Sweden(1682-1718)Do not be afraid. Diana, Princess of Wales(1961-1997)Unknown Despite numerous sources quoting the dying words of the Peoples Princess - such as My God, what happened? or Oh, My God, leave me alone - no reliable source exists concerning Princess Dianas final utterance before she lapsed into unconsciousness following a car crash in Paris, France, on August 31, 1997. Edward VIII, King of the United Kingdom(1894-1972)Mama... Mama... Mama... Serving as king of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for less than 12 months, King Edward VIII officially abdicated the royal throne on December 10, 1936, so he could marry American divorcà ©e Wallis Simpson. The couple stayed together until Edwards death in 1972. Elizabeth I, Queen of England(1533-1603)All my possessions for a moment of time. George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland(1738-1820)Do not wet my lips but when I open my mouth. I thank you... it does me good. Despite the formal separation of the American colonies from Great Britain in 1776 and his countrys later formal acknowledgment of the United States of America as an independent country six years later, this English monarch nevertheless ruled until his death, a reign of more than 59 years. Henry V, King of England(1387-1422)Into Thy hands, O Lord. Henry VIII, King of England(1491-1547)Monks, monks, monks! Immortalized in numerous books and films, the oft-married Tudor king famous for severing all ties with the Roman Catholic Church so he could legitimately marry another woman was likely referring to the troubles he encountered after dissolving Englands Catholic monasteries and convents in 1536. John, King of England(1167-1216)To God and St. Wulfstan, I commend my body and soul. Despite his fame in the Robin Hood legends as the evil prince who oppressed the English people while conspiring to steal the throne from his brother, King Richard I The Lion Hearted, King John also signed Magna Carta in 1215, albeit reluctantly. This historic document guaranteed several basic rights for Englands citizens and established the idea that everyone, even kings, is not above the law. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France(1755-1793)Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur. French for Excuse/forgive me, Sir, the doomed queen apologized to her executioner after stepping on his foot on her way to the guillotine. Napoleon Bonaparte(1769-1821)France... Army... head of the army... Josephine... Nero, Emperor of Rome(37-68)Sero! Haec est fides! Often depicted in film as playing a fiddle while Rome burned down around him, the tyrannical Nero actually committed suicide (although perhaps with the assistance of someone else). As he lay bleeding to death, Nero uttered the Latin for Too Late! This is faith/fidelity! probably in response to a soldier who tried to staunch the emperors bleeding in order to keep him alive. Peter I, Tsar of Russia(1672-1725)Anna. Peter the Great called out his daughters name before losing consciousness and eventually dying. Richard I, King of England(1157-1199)Youth, I forgive thee. Loose his chains and give him 100 shillings. Mortally wounded by an archers arrow during battle, Richard the Lion Hearted nevertheless forgave the shooter and ordered his release before he died. Unfortunately, Richards men failed to honor their fallen kings wish and executed the archer anyway after their sovereigns death. Richard III, King of England(1452-1485)I will die king of England. I will not budge a foot. Treason! Treason! These words feel somewhat less dramatic than Shakespeare later attributed to the king in his play The Tragedy of King Richard the Third. Robert I, King of the Scots(1274-1329)Thanks be to God! For I shall now die in peace, since I know that the most valiant and accomplished knight of my kingdom will perform that for me which I am unable to do for myself. The deed to with The Bruce referred while dying involved the removal of his heart so a knight could carry it to Jerusalems Holy Sepulchre, the burial site of Jesus according to religious belief. Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom(1819-1901)Bertie. The long-reigning queen for whom an entire era is named, and who started the tradition of wearing black at funerals, called out to her eldest son by his nickname shortly before she died.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Invariable French Adjectives
Invariable French Adjectives In French, adjectives normally have to agree with the nouns they modify in gender and number. However, there are numerous adjectives which dont agree - they have a single form that does not change to reflect the gender or number of the noun. These are called invariable adjectives. Invariable Color Adjectives French color adjectives derived from nouns, such as animals, flowers, fruits, gems, and metals, are usually invariable:amarante     amaranthine (dark purple-red)ardoise     slate-greyargent     silveraubergine     eggplantauburn     auburnbrique     brick-redcanari     canary yellowcaramel     caramel-coloredcarmin     carminecerise     cherry redchair     flesh-coloredchampagne     champagnechocolat     chocolate-browncitron     lemon-yellowcrà ¨me     cream-coloredemeraude     emerald greengrenat     garnetindigo     indigokaki     khakilavande     lavenderlilas     lilacmarine     navy bluemarron     brownnoisette     hazelocr e     ochreolive     olive-greenor     goldorange     orangepastel     pastelpervenche     periwinklepie     (magpie) - piebald, black and whitepistache     pistachio-greenplatine     platinumprune     plumpuce     (flea) - pucerouille     rust-coloredrubis     ruby redsable     sandy, sand-coloredsafran     saffron-coloredsaphir     sapphire-bluesaumon     salmon-pinktabac     tobacco brownturquoise     turquoisevermillon     vermilionExceptions:  alezan (chestnut), fauve (tawny/fawn), incarnat (rosy), mauve, pourpre (crimson), rose (pink), vermeil (vermillion),and violet are variable according to the normal rules of agreement chà ¢tain (chestnut brown) is semi-invariable - it usually agrees in number, but rarely in gender Multiple Colors When two or more colors describe a noun, they may or may not agree:1) If there are items of each individual color, the adjectives agree:  des drapeaux bleus, blancs, rouges - red, white, and blue flags (some are red, some are white, and some are blue)des chapeaux rouges et noirs - red and black hats (some are red and some are black) 2) If each item has all of the colors, the adjectives are invariable des drapeaux bleu, blanc, rouge - red, white, and blue flags (e.g., French flags)des chapeaux rouge et noir - red and black hats This is one instance where agreement is useful, because it gives you more detail than what is available in the English translation. Compound Colors When adjectives of color are modified by another adjective or a noun, the adjectives are invariable:une jupe gris clair     light gray skirtdes gants violet foncà ©Ã‚     dark purple glovesune couleur rouge-orange     reddish-orange colordes yeux bleu-vert     blue-green eyesune voiture vert pomme     apple-green cardes fleurs rouge tomate     tomato-red flowers Adjectives Borrowed From Other Languages French adjectives borrowed from other languages are usually invariable:ad hoc     ad hoca priori     a prioriantitrust     anti-trustbaby     babybeat     beatnikcantilever     cantilevercharter     chartercheap     cheap (poor quality)clean     cleancool     coolcurriculum vitae     curriculum vitae, rà ©sumà ©dance     related to dance musicdesign     designerdestroy     destroyed, trashed, wildexpress     related to espressofahrenheit     Fahrenheitfree-lance     freelancefun     funfunky     funkfurax     furiousglamour     glamorousgold     gold(en)gore     gorygratis     freegroggy     groggyhalal     halal (in accordance with sharia principles)hi-fi     hi-fihigh-tech     high-techhot     hot (jazz)kascher     kosher (in accordance with Judaic principles)kitsch     kitschindoor     indoorinuit     Inuitjazzy     jazz, related to jazzkif-kif     same, identicalkitsch     kitschlambda     averge, typicallight     light, low in caloriesmarengo     Marengooffset     offsetoffshore     offshoreout     out of touch, (tennis) outpeople     celebritypop     pop (music, art)pro forma     pro formapunk     punkrecord     recordrelax     relaxed, informal, laid backrevolving     revolvingselect     select, high-clas s, poshsexy     sexysnob     snobby, snobbishsolo     solosoul     soul (music)sport     casual, athletic (clothes, shoes)spot     (economics) spotstandard     standardstand-by     stand-bysterling     (pound) sterlingtango     bright orangetop     great, besttrash     trashy, base, tastelessvaudou     voodoovidà ©o     videowaterproof     waterproofzen     Zen
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