Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What Are the Importance of English Language in This Modern...
what are the importance of english language in this modern world In recent years, English is more and more popular in the world. It attracts people due to the interestingness in its tune and structure. However, beside the tune and the stucture, this language is learned and studied by a higher number of people with every passing day because of its two importances in this modern world: a mean to communicate and to creat a greater opportunity for a job. The first importance of English language is that it is a mean to communicate in the interconnected and interdependent world. Nowadays, English is called International Language and it is also the second laguage of many countries in the world. Therefore, we can realize the importace in†¦show more content†¦(get acccess to various sources of knowledge) - Già ºp tà ¬m hiá »Æ'u cà ¡c ná » n vÄÆ'n hà ³a trà ªn thá º ¿ giá »â€ºi (get to know cultural backgrounds of countries) - Già ºp tà ¬m Ä‘Æ °Ã¡ » £c má »â„¢t cà ´ng viá »â€¡c tá »â€˜t, lÆ °Ã† ¡ng cao (can find a good job with high salary and chances of promotion if you know English) - Già ºp bá º ¡n khai thà ¡c tá »â€˜t internet... (well-explore internet) - Cà ³ thá »Æ' Ä‘i du lá »â€¹ch hoá º ·c là m viá »â€¡c á »Å¸ nÆ °Ã¡ »â€ºc ngoà i má »â„¢t cà ¡ch dá »â€¦ dà ng. (can travel or working abroad easily) The Importance Of Learning English In The Modern World Thousands of students travel to study it, businessmen wish they were more fluent in it and all around the world, having a strong grasp of the English language is a revered skill for non-native speakers. It might not be the most commonly spoken native language in the world, but Englishs reputation as the global language of business, information and entertainment is the reason that the language is learned and spoken by more people than any other. Its easy to grasp and opens doors in nearly every aspect of life. Why learn English now? Significant advancements in technology and travel have worked together to break down the figurative walls that have stopped us from being one unified global society. Communication and information is no longer limited by distance with the internet and smart mobile devices all widely in use and readily available. Language barriers are one of the only things that keepShow MoreRelatedThe Origins Of The English Language1318 Words  | 6 Pagesof the English language. A. The English Language begins as Old English, which was spoken from the fifth century A.D. until the eleventh century. 1. Old English is also known as Anglo- Saxon. 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